"Believe in your body's ability to heal itself."
--- Catherine M. Simone
IC Hope was born in 1998 with my first book To Wake In Tears. Healing myself from a severe case of IC and wanting others to know that there is hope are the reasons for my books and website. As a recovered patient who was around during the early days of the internet as an online IC support group leader, I spent my time helping patients heal using alternative treatments just as I was doing for myself. Speaking at group meetings for many years and doing individual consultations for nearly two decades was all part of why I ended up writing books and creating the dvd. Although I've been offline for the past several years dealing with lymphoma, I have returned with a completely updated and expanded edition of Along the Healing Path to provide what I believe to be critical additional information to help you on your healing journey. And yes, to let you know that I am still free of IC. It is possible to go through stressful life events and other health issues and stay healed. Even with all that I have been through, still I see hope.
Click here to peak inside my new book to read the prologue "Still I See Hope"
Now Available Worldwide in paperback and ebook at your favorite bookseller
Cancer, Histamine Intolerance, Breast Implants, Nutrient Deficiencies, Cannabis for pain and healing, foods that heal (instead of foods to avoid) and Essential Oils are among many previously unaddressed topics brought to light in the brand new completely revised edition of Along the Healing Path. The steps to guide you through your healing have been expanded to help you determine your own situation, as well as to provide more options to choose from once you do.